
US Phone: +1-763-313-3083

Beginning House Churches

Teams of volunteers go to villages that haven't heard about Jesus and share the gospel message.

Helping New Believers Grow

These volunteer teams go back weekly to help the new believers grow.

Training Believers to Share

The church grows as new believers learn how to tell family and friends about Jesus.

Thai child being baptized

Our Goal is to Help Reach the Thai People for Christ

95% of the people in Thailand have NEVER heard the gospel. We are reaching thousands of Thais by supporting local Thai lay people who go village by village sharing the gospel. We do this by:

How We are Helping

  • We help Thai people reach others for Christ by: Providing money for volunteer evangelist to go to new villages
  • Printing proven culturally relevant materials to help new believers
  • Provide resources for local house churches

$ 0

Will help believers grow

Helping Today

We’re Helping Bring The Gospel to Every Person In Thailand - One Village At A Time.

  • Statistics

    We are exposing Thailand's dark areas through data that shows the greatest areas of need. We have detailed information on every church in Thailand, and that information is updated daily.

  • Equipping the Church

    By working closely with lay ministers on the ground, we create printed materials and tracts that are speaking to local villagers in a way that they can understand the gospel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Partner With Us

How Does Statistical Data Help Reach The Lost?

We know that every minute of every day, a Thai person dies without ever hearing the gospel. By gathering data, we are able to clearly understand the need, and as we identify where God is moving we can provide resources to support local volunteers who are evangelizing and helping new believers grow so they can effectively share the gospel and disciple them. God is moving – we just need more resources to support the local church. Partner with us today!

Why are there so few Christians in Thailand?

More than 95% of the population of Thailand has never heard the message of Jesus in a way they can understand. Many times the gospel message has been obscured as it was presented using resources from outside Thailand that did not related culturally to the spiritual needs of Thai people. We have found an effective way to share about Jesus in ways that are connecting with the felt needs of Thai people, and it's spreading like fire. We are empowering local people to reach their own neighbouring villages. Help us equip the local lay volunteers by paying for their expenses - gas and food – so they can travel to other villages. They don't want a salary – they just need our help

How can I make a difference?

As we have been equipping the local leaders, training volunteers, and helping them start house churches we've seen extraordinary growth. Now it is time to accelerate this movement of God. Through our data and research, we are uncovering the dark areas in Thailand that still need to hear about Jesus. Help start a local house church for $300 (your gift will be matched) by providing gas money and food for Thai volunteers and lay ministers. Help build a regional Church that can support many house churches. Please partner with us today!

  • Partner with us to reach the people of Thailand

Changed Lives

What They Are Saying

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eSTAR Global Foundation Thailand Logo

eStar Global is a Christian foundation that helps fund the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Thailand. We provide resources for local house churches, help volunteer evangelists with money for food and gas, and print proven culturally relevant materials to help new believers. Our goal is to see Thai people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and grow in their faith. We are passionate about fulfilling our mission of spreading the gospel and helping those who are devoted to doing the same.

Support eStar Global

There has never been a time like this where the the people of Thailand are hungry for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Partner with us to equip lay ministers to reach their fellow Thais.